Here are 150+ links to resources and opportunities our team has compiled:
revolving around computer science and AI for diverse audiences and for social good.
Also be sure to check out our Club and Community pages for
open-sourced materials, templates, curriculum, and more.
revolving around computer science and AI for diverse audiences and for social good.
Also be sure to check out our Club and Community pages for
open-sourced materials, templates, curriculum, and more.
Please let us know when sharing these resources with your organization, so we can keep track of their reach. Happy coding!
- High School Student’s Guide to CS Programs and Internships – Even if you’re not in high school, this is a great, uber comprehensive resource with opportunities and tips to look at and use.
- STEM Programs for High School Students – Great search engine to find programs that fit your interests in STEM.
- Community Opportunities for Girls – Different level and target audience opportunities mostly addressing CS.
- Scholarships for Engineering – Various Fellowships and Scholarships for all ages/stages, by EngineerGirl
- NCWIT Aspirations – Community for female technologists, several outreach programs and award opportunities
- Girl Develop It – Locations around the nation for a supportive network of women learning web and software development
- HerLead – A leadership fellowship for empowering the next generation of female leaders (10th-11th grade levels)
- Code2040 – Community for minority technologists and allies, focused on representation in programming
- CoderDojoNYC – Volunteer, non-profit after-school program for youth web, game, and app development
- A College Freshman's Guide to Tech Internships – A guide to places to apply as well as skills and abilities to develop
- Get a Startup Job or Internship with Cold Email – If you don't have connections, this is a great guide to getting out on your own
- AdaFruit – A website for learning and making electronics for all ages and skill levels, based in New York.
- Girls Who Code – Awesome network with lots of cool programs, check out the Summer Immersion Program and clubs
- Chick Tech – National organization for girls and women in tech, with hands-on events and lots of great activities
- Comprehensive List of Free CS Classes – Simple Dollar has compiled a bunch of free resources and classes for programmers
- ProjectCSGirls – National CS comp for middle school girls. Reach out to Anne Li, co-founder and past finalist, with questions
- She++ #include Fellowship – Three day trip to Silicon Valley for high schoolers starting a CS initiative in their community. Reach out to Taylor Fang, co-founder and past winner, with questions
- Getting Involved in STEM – Computer list of women in CS statistics and further opportunities, like scholarships
- Technovation – Worldwide mobile app competition addressing problems in the community, for middle through high school
- AI4ALL Summer Programs – Programs at universities including Stanford, Princeton, and CMU. Contact us with questions!
- Kode With Klossy – Founded by Karlie Kloss, includes summer camps and career scholarships to empower girls to code
- Pixel Hacks III – Bay Area's first student-run all-female high school hackathon. Code something for social good + earn prizes!
- Superposition II – Also in the Bay Area (that seems to be the trend), a 24-hour hackathon for females and nonbinary students
- Metro Hacks – 12 hour event at Cambridge Innovation Center, across the street from MIT. For women in STEM
- Upcoming High School Hackathons – Hack Club, an awesome network of coding clubs and workshops, has compiled this list
- Los Altos Hacks - High school hackathon located in the Bay Area for hundreds of students
- USACO – USA Computing Olympiad, good for practicing programming ranging from beginner-level to advanced
- IBM Master the Mainframe – Contest by IBM, good introduction to programming, students can practice app development and create new products using the mainframe
- Google Code Jam – International programming competition hosted by Google, split into several rounds, may earn a trip to finals held in various cities around the world
- Google Code-in – A contest held by Google, designed to introduce students to open-source software development
- Three Dot Dash Global Teen Leaders - Are you a young person changing the world? Apply to this global accelerator program
- Start your own hackathon! - Hackathons provide a real-world experience for students. This kit has everything you need to get started, from design thinking tutorials to comprehensive tips for teachers
- Ashoka Young Changemakers - This fellowship selects only 10 young teen entrepreneurs from around the nation who are creating tangible change in their communities. Allgirlithm is excited to be part of Ashoka! Reach out to us with any questions.
- Coursera, Edx, Udacity, Udemy– Online course libraries with some great CS/AI courses
- Codecademy, Khanacademy, Free Code Camp, Code Avengers – Tutorials in topics including HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python
- MIT Open Courseware – Online library of educational material from subjects taught at MIT, including CS
- Microsoft Virtual Academy – Variety of topics on technology and CS for many skill levels, from developers to IT to data
- Code Studio – Lots of free resources on by students and for students
- CodeHS – Step- by-step tutorials, videos, and exercises especially for high schoolers, which can be taught in school
- Media Computation – Programming with media in Python or Java. Create media by manipulating computational materials.
- Runestone Interactive – Several online books (many interactive), addressing different topics, including for AP CS
- W3 Schools – HTML tutorial with examples, exercises, and quizzes in every chapter
- Scratch MIT – Cloud-based drag and drop programming for games, stories, and animations. Developed by MIT.
- Kids Ruby – Ruby programming designed for younger audiences, games and GitHub code to contribute to
- MIT App Inventor – Drag and drop programming for Android Apps, open source code with tutorials and forums
- BubbleSort Zines – Short, accessible (and cute) introductions to computer science in the form of zines
- Coding Bat – Practicing different Java and Python skills, if you already know a bit, along with other help
- Microsoft Kodu Game Lab – Create simple games on PC and Xbox using simple visual programming, developed by Microsoft
- Oracle – Java tutorials for programmers. Includes hundreds of complete, working examples, and many lessons.
- The New Boston – Around 90 Java introductory videos on Youtube, for beginner programmers
- Intro to Python – Frequently updated list of tutorials, talks, and challenges for learning Python programming.
- KTBYTE – Online computer science classes in a variety of languages for ages 8-18 worldwide
- Pluralsight – Getting started with GitHub, a powerful and useful tool of open source code for programmers around the world
- Girl Develop It Slides – Materials built by the community and open to all, about learning various languages and formats
- Intro to Python Class – PyLadies Remote Webcast with IBM engineer. Trinket account recommended but not required.
- Enlight – Learn to code by building cool projects in different areas using a global, open-source platform (built by a student!)
- Geeks for Geeks – Good website for learning basic algorithms
- Computer and STEM Careers for Kids - Great resource for STEM careers, recommended to us by one of our awesome readers
- Programming Guide for Video Gamers - Awesome website for game dev, recommended by one of our readers, Jaime!
- Made With Code - Awesome drag-and-drop online tool geared towards girls and perfect for beginners
- Hacking with Python - A compilation of resources for those interested in learning more about security and/or ethical hacking
- Girl Develop It Teaching Materials - Including introductions to: web concepts, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Angular.JS, Web Accessibility, Git/Github, and PHP/MySQL. Licensed under fair use creative commons!
- AI for Social Good - Awesome graphics and overview of different areas AI can be applied to to create social change
- AI for Social Good Pt. 2 - Google also has some great learning resources for learning to create humanitarian AI
- AI for Social Good Pt. 3 - More background information, research, and challenges about AI and Social Good
- Tensor Flow – Open-source software library for machine intelligence (numerical computation using data flow graphs)
- Sci Kit Learn – Machine learning in Python, many different categories to choose from and learn from
- EdX AI – Free edX course on artificial intelligence fundamentals, design, and applications. Developed by Columbia University
- EdX Machine Learning – Free edX course on AI machine learning, developed by Columbia University
- Coursera Machine Learning – Free coursera course on machine learning by Stanford and UToronto
- Coursera Machine Learning – Coursera 4-part specialization: foundations, regression, classification, clustering/retrieval
- Caltech Online Course – Free online course taught by Caltech professor, includes lectures, homework sets & final exam
- Oxford Machine Learning – Course materials from Oxford machine learning course, includes slides & problem sets
- Book about AI – Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks by Christopher Bishop, recommended by Fei-Fei Li at SAILORS
- R2D3 – A visual introduction to machine learning in several languages, lots of cool graphics to help you understand
- Clarifai – Artificial Intelligence Computer Vision technology company for building smarter apps
- Cloud AutoML – Read more about this new self-training AI for coders to learn machine learning at MIT Technology Review
- Google ML Crash Course – Over 40 exercises, 25 lessons, and 15 hours. Learn from Google researchers. Plus it's free!
- Kaggle – We've heard awesome things about this data science learning platform, one of the largest
- – Free lessons for getting started with deep learning, started by some amazing people
- Experiments with Google - So many cool AI experiments, great hands-on learning for beginners as well as K-12 students
- AI + Ethics Course - This is an awesome open-sourced document for middle-schoolers, from the MIT Media Lab
- Applying AI for Social Good - This guide from Mckinsey has ideas for using AI and cutting edge technology to create change
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to AI Ethics - A three-part series on Medium as an introduction to the ethics behind AI
- Reigning It – A great compilation of different women in tech interviews, creating a female STEM dialogue
- The Women In Tech Show – A podcast featuring lots of cool and prominent women in tech
- GeekGirlWeb – Resource and career building community for women technologists
- AI4ALL Camps – Artificial intelligence camps (previously SAILORS) that we all attended! Contact us with any questions!
- Top Tech Newsletters – Cool information to sign up for by email, regularly sent for staying in the loop
- CodeNewbie – Podcast and community for anyone learning to code, stories every week in the podcast. Learn and chat
- Scientista – Many different women in science and STEM, specifically for female college and graduate students
- FabFems – Computer science role models, several resources to inspire and educate about STEM careers and opportunities
- Bento – Find your own resources for technology and coding, learn to be a self-taught developer
- Lightbot – Solve puzzles using programming, an app that teaches you computer programming skills as you play
- Hour of Code – One hour code tutorials for all ages and skill levels in over 45 languages (can be incorporated into classrooms)
- Tutsplus – Twenty common coding pitfalls for beginners for Java, PHP, Ruby, Python, and others
- Pluralsight – Getting started with GitHub, a powerful and useful tool of open source code for programmers around the world
- Hartley Brody – Ten debugging tips for beginners. Help troubleshooting so you can fix your code easier
- Code Like a Girl – An awesome site hosted on Medium, featuring interviews, articles, talks, and a special section for girls
- Ladies Storm Hackathons Resources – A comprehensive list of handy resources, especially for women but open to all
- Getting a Gig as a Tech Major – Part of the resource above, with lots of links for learning more and guides on reaching out
- STEM Future – This cool high-schooler run blog posts about many different topics in STEM and also has a list of resources
- Blogs for Women in Tech – Fun compilation of other blogs to check out, including vlogs and social media bloggers
- Women in Data Science - Resource specifically featuring women in data science, suggested by one of our readers!